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FY18H - Financial EMIS Reporting closes 8/31/2018

Updated EMIS Financial Records documentation has been posted on ODE's EMIS Website and contains information regarding all data submitted during Period H processing.

For LGCA USAS Districts:

Entities must submit their USAEMS.seq that was created during your Fiscal Year Close process to ODE via the Data Collector.

A copy of the USAEMS.seq file has been placed in the District Only Reports EMISWeb link and may be accessed via your LGCA Member Page > EMIS Links > EMISWeb.  The file has been named as follows:  xx_usaemxfy18.seq

During the Preparation & Preview of the Data in the Data Collector, we recommend verifying the totals of the various csv files such as the Cash, Expenditure & Receipt records against the totals on the Final Year End Reports (FINSUMM) to ensure all data has been processed successfully.

Expenditure Detail Reports are returned to each district via the Data Collector Level 2 Reports after ODE receives and processes the submission.  A detailed report explanation of the Expenditure Detail Reports is accessible via the following link:  Expenditure_Detail_Reports .

Please feel free to contact the Fiscal or EMIS Support Team if you need any assistance.