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Campus Release 1921 Highlights

Print Format .DOCX Available

The following areas enhancements which allow additional items to be generated in a .docx format:

Attendance Reports

Behavior Reports

Census Reports

Counseling Reports

Locker Reports

Campus Instruction Reports

The Campus Instruction reports have been updated with a more intuitive and helpful interface.  The report list can now be filtered by type of report and teachers can mark their favorite reports for future use.

The report editors have also been updated to clarify options and improve visual style.  Selected report options are saved when a teacher generates a report, saving teachers time in setting up the report between uses. Some reports can now be generated for multiple sections at a time.  The Blank Spreadsheet report has been updated to allow teachers to enter column headers.  Small improvements have also been made to other reports.

Campus Instruction Score Copier Updates

The Score Copier has been updated to improve clarity and usability.  A "New Students" button has been added that filters the student list to only recently added students (based on the Days to Flag Roster Additions preference set at the district).  

Scores can now be copied from sections in different calendars if both sections have the same teacher or the same Course Name, as well as the same Task/Standard grading alignment. Visual improvements were also made.

Meal Benefits Application Update to Navigation

Navigation for the Meal Benefits Application tool on the Campus Parent Portal was improved and now includes a back button.

Updated Income Eligibility Guidelines for 2019/2020

The Income Guide was updated for the upcoming school year.

Special Ed Preferences          Added and Timestamp Updates

A new preference has been added to the Special Ed Preferences that adds a DRAFT watermark to all Evaluations until the Evaluation is locked. 

To activate this feature a user with Special Ed Administrator tool rights

A timestamp has been added to the Document Detail on the student's Documents tab.

When a PDF copy is created, the copy is now automatically stapled to the original document.

A timestamp is now added to a Special Ed Preference whenever it is turned on or off.

This impacts the following preferences:

=         Auto Create a PDF when Amend Tool is used

=         Include a DRAFT watermark on all Plans until the Plan is locked

=         Include a DRAFT watermark on all Evaluations until the Evaluation is locked

=         Auto End Date the previous locked Plan when a new Plan is locked with overlapping dates


Ohio - Multiple Extracts

The OH Extracts have been updated to add a "Multiple Extracts" option. This allows users to generate multiple extract/record types at a time using the Batch Queue.

To utilize this option select Multiple Extracts in the Selection Type and Ctrl – Click on all of the record types that you would like to process.


Ohio - Organization General Info (DN) Updates

The following update has been verified to work correctly for DN reporting. Upon release installation, LGCA will assess the impact to student attendance and will notify districts of our findings. Until that time, we ask that districts refrain from changing your current DN reporting practice.

Attribute Number field logic has been updated for the C_HSHRTNOP, C_HRSLNGTH, and C_HSHRTPLN Calendar Groups so that if Instruction Minutes are entered for the Day Event, that value divided by 60 is reported.

Additional information regarding the Instruction Minutes for the 3 day events will be coming soon.

Ohio - State Service Type and Student Program (GQ) Updates

New codes have been added to the State Service Type field on the EL Setup tab.

These new codes (235017, 235019, 235021, and 235099) have been added to the report logic for the GQ Extract.