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Campus.2235 Release Highlights
Academic Programs
Compound Requirement for Academic Programs
Users are able to calculate and update CTE and Seals status within the academic programs tab. A logical expression can be added to define the requirements for the calculation within the Compound Requirements tool. The Course Plan Admin tool has also been updated to include status’ for students who meet requirements.

Activity Registration
Auto-Lock Forms
The Auto-lock form option has been added to the Activity Roster to allow users to auto-complete and lock forms. This eliminates the step of going through each for individually. With this option enabled (in conjunction with the Registration Confirmation Process), registrations can be completed automatically when all forms are locked and payment is received.

State Code Drop List Notification
A notification displays when adding a State Code to a State Test when the drop list options include the codes / values for individual states. The notification reminds the user that assigning a State Code to a test prevents districts from editing the test.

State Edition Assessment Publication Update (State Edition Users)
State Edition users can publish tests designated as 'District Assessments'. These assessments display as options under the Select Test section of the Publish Test tool.

Consecutive Absence Report
This report can now be generated in a CSV format.

Student Parent Associations Performed Update
A query within the Student Parent Associations resource has been updated to help improve performance when resyncing by Person ID.

Enrollment Cleanup Wizard
A Batch Sync event is now automatically created in order to sync the records from district to state edition when the Enrollment Cleanup Wizard tool is used. This sync pushes updates to enrollment, roster and graduation records. It is scoped to the destination calendar of the cleanup action.

One Roster
OAuth and Base URL Updates
As a result of 1EdTech (IMS Global) deprecating the OAuth 1 security version, district users need to take action to update OneRoster connections. Additionally, the Base URL for all OneRoster connections has been updated. This new URL must be shared with vendors. A Connection Tracker has been added to the Learning Interoperability tool to assist users in managing these updates.
Connections using OneRoster 1.1 with OAuth 1
  • Support of OAuth 1 will end on June 30, 2023. At that point, any connections still using OAuth 1 will stop working.
  • Users must replace any connections using OAuth 1 with connections using OAuth 2 prior to that date.
  • Further instructions are provided in the OneRoster Migration Instructions article, including partner-specific information.
Connection using OneRoster 1.1 with OAuth 2 or OneRoster 1.2
  • Base URLs for all OneRoster connections have been updated. This URL is part of the credentials shared with partners when a new connection. The new URL must be shared with vendors prior to June 30, 2023.
Point of Sale
Alert Message when Layout Exceeds 6x6
On the POS terminal, a pop up has been added when a layout exceeds the 6x6 layout. The system will direct the user to alert the POS Administrator that the layout needs adjusted.

Counselor Fields Added to Advanced Student Search in New Look of Infinite Campus
A checkbox has been added to the Advanced Student Search in the New Look called “Students that you are Counseling” and an Effective Date. These fields will allow counselors to search for only students they are counseling with a specific date.

Social Security Number Added to Advanced Student Search in New Look of Campus
The SSN field has been added to the Advanced Student Search in the New Look of Infinite Campus. Only users with the ‘SSN for All People’ or ‘SSN for Students’ sub tool rights will be able to see and utilize this field.
Special Ed Fields Added to Advanced Student Search in New Look of Infinite Campus
Special Ed Status, Special Ed Setting, and Disability fields were added to the Advanced Student Search in the New Look of Infinite Campus

Diagnostic Information Added to Search Framework Status
A new View Diagnostic button has been added to the Search Framework Status tool. When selected, users can click the INFO button to view core stateful information or DEBUG to view more comprehensive information about the state of their system’s search framework.