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Campus Release 2024 Highlights

*NEW* Activity Registration Module

In preparation for the Activity Registration module, which will be available in a future release, users can now upload and manage supplemental Activity Registration documents in the Custom Forms tool.

These Activity Registration options are now available in the Module field in Custom Forms: Activity, Athletics and Field Trip.

Forms created with these new options can only be assigned to a student via the Campus School Store and Activity Registration. Please note, if there is already a custom module with the name Activity, Athletics or Field Trip, Campus will rename the custom module; e.g. Field Trip 1, and you can continue to use those forms.

Data Extract Utility

The Data Extract Utility is now available as core functionality for all users. Using the latest secure file transfer protocols, this tool provides an automated way to extract and transfer data via a flat file from Infinite Campus servers to a third-party system.

Note: No disruptions are anticipated to any existing DEU extract from this release. However, there is a slight risk that some non-standard DEU jobs may be impacted. Please verify that DEU extracts function correctly with the Campus.2024 release. If you have issues or concerns, please log a support ticket with Infinite Campus.

Also, please be aware that version 2 or higher of the SMB protocol is now required. The following versions of SMB will be supported:

SMB 2 - Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista SP1

SMB 2.1 - Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7

SMB 3.0 - Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016 and Windows 8


Campus can now help you identify students who are receiving a free or reduced lunch as a result of a family member's eligibility being extended to them. A new checkbox called Extended was added to the Eligibility tool. When this checkbox is marked, it indicates that the eligibility is the result of a family member's eligibility being extended to the student. This checkbox is automatically marked when you select the "Extend Direct Certification Status to Additional Students in Household" option in the Eligibility Import Wizard. When you manually enter an eligibility record, the Extended checkbox is only available if you select a Direct Source.

If the student's eligibility is the result of a family member's eligibility being extended to them, an X displays in the Source/Extended column of the Eligibility Report and the Permission to Share Report. This information can also be retrieved using an Ad Hoc filter. The Ad Hoc field name is posElig.fromExtension (Student > FRAM > Eligibility).

The POSEligibilityToday view was added to Ad Hoc so that districts can generate a report that identifies students who do not have a current eligibility along with students who do have one on the current date only.

Grading Window

The classic Grading Window has been removed from the product.

As part of this removal, the option to mark Active Masks on Grading Tasks and Standards at the Course level has also been removed and the activeMask database field has been deprecated. The new Grading Window does not use active masks.

Grading and Standards

The Standards Import Wizard has been updated to allow users to re-import an existing CASE framework to capture updates made by the state, including added and removed items and updated content. To re-import, paste the URL of the framework into the wizard and follow the normal steps to import. Step 5 of the wizard lists updates that will be made to the standards bank upon import, items added to the framework, items with updated text, and items that have been archived.

Note: when importing updated items, any changes previously made in the district's Standards Bank will be overwritten when the updated items are imported. For this reason, users have the option of declining an updated item by unmarking the checkbox in the list.

A new report, Snapshot Comparison, can now be used to assist districts in identifying a student's score in a class prior to distance learning. 

The report compares a student's posted grades and in-progress grades against a snapshot of what their grade would have been had it been calculated based only on assignments due between the entered start and end dates.


Online Payments

Detailed reports are now available on the Payments Setup tool for Bank Accounts, Settings and Fund Accounts.

A Print button now displays at the bottom each section and allows users to create a PDF that includes comprehensive setup information. When a school is selected in the School dropdown list in the Campus toolbar, school specific information reports or for individual staff accounts via the User Account tab.

It is now easier for users to see more than 35 days of information. As part of this change, the Payment Start and End Dates were updated to not provide default dates. If users do not enter any dates before exporting the report to Excel, the export will be limited to the last 60 days.


The Payment Transaction report was removed from Campus. This report was replaced by the Payments Reporter.



A Back icon has been added to the Mass Edit Constraints tool that allows the user to return to the Build Constraints tool.


School Store

Districts that use Campus Online Payments can now set up the School Store. The School Store gives parents and students easy online access for purchasing goods and services like spirit wear and school supplies or pay for activity fees and make donations. Each school in your district can have their own store. The stores display in Campus Parent and Campus Student.


The Test Type IDP has been replaced with IPD. This change applies to the Attribute Dictionary, the student Assessment tab, and the FA extract.
The DN extract has been updated for event type C_DBLIZZARD. If the Day Event has Instruction Minutes entered, reports the Instruction Minutes divided by 60, with an implied 4 decimal places (2.25 reports as 0000022500). If Instruction Minutes is null, calculates based on current logic.